Claire Users Club


This page contains a few pointers on various resources that are available to CLAIRE users:

  1. CLAIRE discussion forum
    this is the new place where you can discuss with other users and ask questions about claire.
  2. Yahoo CLAIRE discussion forum
    this is the older forum for discussing about CLAIRE, and is still useful to share information with a larger community. It is also a back-up when the regular forum is not available
  3. CLAIRE download center
    The Files section of the Yahoo forum is where you can get the latest public version of CLAIRE, as well as some CLAIRE libraries. This is also where CLAIRE documents may be found
    The CLAIRE FAQ is in progress :-)

An industrial version of CLAIRE is now available ! This version offers support, a very nice IDE and many interesting tools such as a CLAIRE http server. It is provided by eXpert Solutions. Their site,, also contains additional information about CLAIRE (free downloads, documents, etc.)

How to submit a bug:

send to
- a description of the bug
- a reference to the claire version that you are using and the
  associated computing environment
- a self-contained file that reproduces the bug.